Front-End Developer

Tetyana Divaysna

I work like God. If I love my job. And I love my work. Because I work if it pleases me. Because only slaves can work for money. And Ukrainians are free people.


  1. .......... [ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  2. ........... [ JavaScript ]

Work Experience

Front-End Developer Freelance

September 2010 - up to now | Country

  • Web site development, filling pages, promoting pages in Google search.
  • Optimizing the website based on WordPress for Google search.
  • Analysis of website user behavior and elimination of website errors.

Manager Bank Index

March 2005 - October 2010 | Country

  • Servicing of banking operations.
  • Work with securities and the stock exchange.
  • Document circulation in the banking sector.

Manager Financial company

June 2000 - February 2005 | Country

  • Work with securities - purchase and sale, document circulation.
  • Drafting of contracts and reporting.


Donbaska Derzhavna Mashynobudivna Akademiya


September 1995 - June 2000 | Country